Enter Certification Number
Certificate Number:
Terms and Conditions of certificate:
- Validity of this certificate is subject to the organization maintaining its system per respective standards and audit criteria
- This certificate remains the property of TUVASIA and shall be returned immediately upon request
- Use of the Logo must follow the Logo policy of the Certification authority TUVASIA and Accreditation Authority SYSTEM ACCREDITATION ASSURANCE SERVICES, failure to meet the requirement, actions shall be initiated for the liability
- The certificate is not final evidence of certificate status; it must be verified along with the latest audit report and status provided on the website
- Continuing validity of this certificate is subjected to the continuous fulfilment of conditions specified by the Certification Body and Accreditation body, else this certificate shall be withdrawn or considered Void
Certification Body: TUVASIA
Accreditation Body: SYSTEM ACCREDITATION ASSURANCE SERVICES LLC | 84 W BROADWAY STE 200, Derry, NH, 03038, USA | Registration Id No. 955507